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Everything posted by Alwaysmore

  1. Mmmmh OK, clear, thanks. I don't really know how I can use this combined with my script
  2. Thanks a lot. It doesn't work :(. I tested 3 proposals log.info('Dernier jeu : ' + game.history[0]); log.info('Dernier jeu : ' + JSON.stringify(game.history[0],null, 4)); log.info('Dernier jeu : ' + hdg.myBets[0].gameValue.gameValue); I don't understand why we can get that value in CRASH game, but not for HASH DICE...
  3. Hi all, Is my question not clear or is it just not feasible? Thanks a lot
  4. Hey guys, Do you know how to get the result of the bet after betting? I mean, you bet 1 for a payout 2 for example, and the result is that you lost (payout was 1.2). How do you get this 1.2 ? Thanks a lot ! In crash it's game.history[0]. How do you get the same in hash dice?
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