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Everything posted by Skele
well perhaps you should put some money in your account or start with a lower bet size.
i already fixed this shitty attempt at combining two scripts that weren't meant to be combined earlier today actually. but if you can't spot the numerous problems the thing is never going to work right for you. lets start with, there are variables that aren't being set so they cause numerous divide by 0 errors all over the place. Also in the range that is being split the results from a string.split is an array of strings. Which are then used as if they are numbers causing other NaN errors. There are references to objects that aren't going to exist if you use them outside of main. and yet main only has a write to the console in it. I mean the list goes on. But if you want a version that will at least run i will post it. var config = { betPercentage: { label: 'Total percentage of bankroll to bet', value: 0.00015, type: 'number' }, lossesBeforeMinBet: { label: 'Losses before minimum bet (range)', value: '10-20', type: 'text' }, payout: { label: 'Payout', value: 3, type: 'number' }, bettingPattern: { label: 'Betting Pattern', value: 'HLHL', type: 'text' }, onLoseTitle: { label: 'On Loss', type: 'title' }, onLoss: { label: '', value: 'increase', type: 'radio', options: [{ value: 1.2, label: 'Return to base bet' }, { value: 'increase', label: 'Increase bet by (loss multiplier)' } ] }, lossMultiplier: { label: 'Loss multiplier', value: 1.5, type: 'number' }, onWinTitle: { label: 'On Win', type: 'title' }, onWin: { label: '', value: 'reset', type: 'radio', options: [{ value: 'reset', label: 'Return to base bet' }, { value: 'increase', label: 'Increase bet by (win multiplier)' } ] }, winMultiplier: { label: 'Win multiplier', value: 1.2, type: 'number' }, otherConditionsTitle: { label: 'Stop Settings', type: 'title' }, playOrStop: { label: 'Once loss stop reached, continue betting (Martingale counter reset) or stop betting?', value: 'reset', type: 'radio', options: [{ value: 'stop', label: 'Stop betting' }, { value: 'continue', label: 'Continue betting' } ] }, winGoalAmount: { label: 'Stop once you have made this much', value: 1000000000, type: 'number' }, lossStopAmount: { label: 'Stop betting after losing this much without a win.', value: 4, type: 'number' }, loggingLevel: { label: 'Logging level', value: 'compact', type: 'radio', options: [{ value: 'info', label: 'info' }, { value: 'compact', label: 'compact' }, { value: 'verbose', label: 'verbose' } ] } }; var stop = 0; var lossesForBreak = 2; var roundsToBreakFor = 2; var totalWagers = 0; var netProfit = 0; var totalWins = 0; var totalLoses = 0; var longestWinStreak = 0; var longestLoseStreak = 0; var currentStreak = 0; var loseStreak = 0; var numberOfRoundsToSkip = 0; var currentBet = 0; var totalNumberOfGames = 0; var originalbalance = 0; var runningbalance = 0; var consequetiveLostBets = 0; var lossStopAmountVar = config.lossStopAmount.value; function main() { var originalbalance = currency.amount; var runningbalance = currency.amount; var currentBet = GetNewBaseBet(); console.log('Starting martingale...'); console.log('currentBet in main=' + currentBet); engine.on('GAME_STARTING', function() { if (stop) { return; } if (numberOfRoundsToSkip > 0) { numberOfRoundsToSkip--; return; } if (lossStopAmountVar > 0 && currency.amount < originalbalance - lossStopAmountVar) { console.log('You have reached the loss stop amount. Stopping...'); stop = 1; return; } if (config.winGoalAmount.value && currency.amount >= originalbalance + config.winGoalAmount.value) { console.log('You have reached the win goal. Stopping...'); stop = 1; return; } console.log('currentBet in game_StartingEvent=' + currentBet); var bet = Math.round(currentBet / 100) * 100; engine.bet(bet, config.payout.value); console.log('Betting', bet / 100, 'on', config.payout.value, 'x'); totalNumberOfGames++; totalWagers += currentBet; }); engine.on('GAME_ENDED', function() { var lastGame = engine.history.first(); if (lastGame.wager) { totalWagers -= lastGame.wager; } if (lastGame.cashedAt) { netProfit += lastGame.wager * (lastGame.cashedAt - 1); totalWins++; currentStreak++; loseStreak = 0; if (currentStreak > longestWinStreak) { longestWinStreak = currentStreak; } if (config.onWin.value === 'reset') { currentBet = GetNewBaseBet(); } else { currentBet *= config.winMultiplier.value; } } else { totalLoses++; loseStreak++; currentStreak = 0; if (loseStreak > longestLoseStreak) { longestLoseStreak = loseStreak; } if (config.onLoss.value === 'reset') { currentBet = GetNewBaseBet(); } else { currentBet *= config.lossMultiplier.value; } } runningbalance += (lastGame.cashedAt ? lastGame.wager * (lastGame.cashedAt - 1) : -lastGame.wager); engine.emit('TOTAL_WAGER_UPDATE'); }); engine.on('TOTAL_WAGER_UPDATE', function() { var averageBetSize = totalWagers / totalNumberOfGames; var averageProfit = netProfit / totalNumberOfGames; console.log('*', engine.getBalance() / 100, '*', 'Avg Bet:', Math.round(averageBetSize) / 100, 'Total Games:', totalNumberOfGames, 'Net Profit:', Math.round(netProfit) / 100, 'Avg Profit:', Math.round(averageProfit) / 100, '***'); }); function GetNewBaseBet() { var returnValue = 0; // Get the bet percentage based on the current position in the pattern var bettingPattern = config.bettingPattern.value.toUpperCase(); var patternIndex = totalNumberOfGames % bettingPattern.length; var betPercentage = (bettingPattern[patternIndex] === 'H') ? config.betPercentage.value : (config.betPercentage.value / 2); returnValue = runningbalance * (betPercentage / 100); console.log('runningbalance=' + runningbalance); console.log('betPercentage=' + betPercentage); console.log('returnValue=' + returnValue); console.log('patternIndex=' + patternIndex); var percentage = Math.floor(lossesForBreak / roundsToBreakFor * 100); var lossesBeforeMinBetLow = parseFloat(config.lossesBeforeMinBet.value.split('-')[0]); var lossesBeforeMinBetHigh = parseFloat(config.lossesBeforeMinBet.value.split('-')[1]); let retValue = 0; console.log("lossesForBreak=" + lossesForBreak); console.log("roundsToBreakFor=" + roundsToBreakFor); console.log("percentage=" + percentage); console.log("lossesBeforeMinBetLow=" + lossesBeforeMinBetLow); console.log("lossesBeforeMinBetHigh=" + lossesBeforeMinBetHigh); if (percentage < lossesBeforeMinBetLow) { retValue = Math.max(Math.round(returnValue), 100); } else if (percentage >= lossesBeforeMinBetHigh) { retValue = Math.max(Math.round(returnValue), 1000); } else { var minBet = 100; var maxBet = 1000; var difference = maxBet - minBet; var adjustedPercentage = (percentage - lossesBeforeMinBetLow) / (lossesBeforeMinBetHigh - lossesBeforeMinBetLow); var adjustedBet = Math.round(adjustedPercentage * difference); console.log("difference=" + difference); console.log("adjustedPercentage=" + adjustedPercentage); console.log("adjustedBet=" + adjustedBet); retValue = minBet + adjustedBet; } console.log('retValue=' + retValue); return retValue; } console.log('Starting martingale...'); engine.on('GAME_STARTING', function() { console.log('Betting', currentBet / 100, 'bits...'); }); engine.on('GAME_ENDED', function() { var lastGame = engine.history.first(); if (lastGame.cashedAt) { console.log('You won', (lastGame.wager * (lastGame.cashedAt - 1)) / 100, 'bits!'); if (config.playOrStop.value === 'reset') { console.log('Resetting losses...'); lossesForBreak = 0; roundsToBreakFor = 0; currentStreak = 0; numberOfRoundsToSkip = 0; } } else { console.log('You lost', lastGame.wager / 100, 'bits...'); lossesForBreak += lastGame.wager / 100; roundsToBreakFor++; if (consequetiveLostBets >= 5) { numberOfRoundsToSkip = 2; } if (consequetiveLostBets >= 10) { numberOfRoundsToSkip = 3; } consequetiveLostBets++; } }); } Also if you don't change the variables i set to the value 2 just to get this thing to work which i highlighted in white then the line i highlighted in yellow will always be 100%, so you might want to trace the code and look at what this is actually doing. All i did was debug the actual errors and make it run, i didn't fix or modify whatever the hell craziness was going on in the logic.
@Bpmdryiioyb The script you just posted in here has a fundamental problem in that it doesn't keep an accurate tally of the total profit. The script itself is changing the payout of the bet, yet it is trying to keep track of total profit using only the last bet amount. This would only work if the payout is always 2x. Otherwise what should be happening is just subtracting the betAmount at the top of the handler after the bet completes, then if it is a win add betAmount * payout.
$5,000 Exclusive Hash Dice Prestige Challenge #100
Skele replied to BC_Jack's topic in Past Challenges
| 22 | 33 | 44 | 55 | 66 | 77 | 88 | 99 | 111 | 222 | 333 | 444 | 555 | 666 | 777 | 888 | 999 | 1111 2222 | 3333 | 22x - https://bc.game/#/sd/11FLY0AV1WUR47 33x - https://bc.game/#/sd/11FLY4QDXYAEHV 44x - https://bc.game/#/sd/11FLY88HT7BG83 55x - https://bc.game/#/sd/11FLYAOD3QPB1J 66x - https://bc.game/#/sd/11FLYH8T6T12W3 77x - https://bc.game/#/sd/11FLYJSX2YMXNN 88x - https://bc.game/#/sd/11FLYLQFBHEU2V 99x - https://bc.game/#/sd/11FLYNWM8I8XK3 111x - https://bc.game/#/sd/11FLYQZE98OKAV 222x - https://bc.game/#/sd/11FLYT98X68JC3 333x - 444x - https://bc.game/#/sd/11FNTBN6KMFS23 https://bc.game/#/sd/11FLYVPCCLSO2R -
My bet link that it keeps deleting from the forum https://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EB https://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EB https://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EB https://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EB https://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EB https://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EBhttps://bc.game/#/sd/11EQGWWXMSJ5EB
@Piano The answer is not really as i don't know what you mean about stops after 19 stages, but for hash dice, the best you can do is min bet.
hdg.changeToggleWin() hdg is the client side object that is the equivelant of game in the sandboxed scripting environment they let you use. however that object is a paired down version that doesn't have that method in it. So you have to use it from like that dev console.
right said you can't do it in the sand boxed scripting environment because they aren't passing the complete informaqtion to you so you have to go to the dev console
its a casino lnot clean water. There is no humanity involved, it isn't a god given right to gamble or to do well at it. The only claim that it is deterministic, provably fair by their own definition is only that. That the outcome is predetermined based on the inputs.
They removed this I am fairly sure. If one were to use the client side Javascript instead of their sandbox scripts though, you could retrieve this information by hdg.myBets[0].gameValue.gameValue
1000x https://bc.game/#/sd/11ASQ9DYBAEGWJ 620x https://bc.game/#/sd/11ATQ3E11IXVYR 83x https://bc.game/#/sd/11ATPYIBMFBIMR 56x https://bc.game/#/sd/11ATQKTBRE6RDF
$5,000 Exclusive Coinflip Prestige Challenge #89
Skele replied to BC_Jack's topic in Past Challenges
https://bc.game/#/sd/1173E0F8I4O7WZ https://bc.game/#/sd/1173HDRJAARMZ7 https://bc.game/#/sd/1173HILZF16L8Z https://bc.game/#/sd/1173HMXQIPBF9V https://bc.game/#/sd/1173I7M389WUFN https://bc.game/#/sd/1173K8QUX6BMS3 https://bc.game/#/sd/1173KI6CNJHB83 https://bc.game/#/sd/1173KPUZ9X6Y37 https://bc.game/#/sd/1173OJBP1O06QB
$1,500 Exclusive Weekend Ultimate Dice Prestige Challenge #70
Skele replied to BC_Jack's topic in Past Challenges
15x | 25x | 33x | 44x | 55x | 75x | 99x | 150x | 220x | 300x | 396x | 550x | 825x | 900x | 1100x | 2475x | 3300x | 4950x 15x - https://bc.fun/#/sd/113MPTDKVTSJDF 25x - https://bc.fun/#/sd/113MQ3UM3L8YKZ 33x - https://bc.fun/#/sd/113MQ6UKKSE1AR 44x - https://bc.fun/#/sd/113MQA00GJNITV 55x - https://bc.fun/#/sd/113MQDG7L5Q977 75x - https://bc.fun/#/sd/113MQH9TC9FY1F 99x - https://bc.fun/#/sd/113MRDL96JL34J -
$2,500 Exclusive Caves of Plunder Prestige Challenge #65
Skele replied to BC_Jack's topic in Past Challenges
this one is easy if you are doing it clientside. Because of the sandboxed environment that the script runs in otherwise you will only have access to that properties and objects they expose for you which isn't much. ss.wallet.current = 'TRX' you are wrong here with the new update you can get 50 games from the sandboxed scripts. The only way to get the 2000 is from a client side script.
uummm and you message me with an example and i can throw that into a script for you.
well you can't redefine a const, so either change your const to a var or figure out why you are trying to reassign to a constant value, which would make it not constant. As for limbo scripts i have written a bunch for a number of games, for just messing around i would suggest the browser plugin code injector it will do the injection for you based on the URL of the page and it allows you to seperate out javascript from css from html. I went the whole wrote a browser plugin route though. its nice because you can do things like generate the bet link to the highest payouts as you encounter them. or write an autovaulting script to vault your coin above a certain amount.
setInterval(function(){ if(!crash.script.isRunning) crash.script.start(); }, 5000);
$2,500 Prestige Hi-Lo Multiplayer Challenge #57
Skele replied to BCGame_Ewa's topic in Past Challenges
possibly why do you ask?
soccer | Nottingham Forest x Crystal Palace - Nov 12 | 15:00 UTC
Skele replied to Mat's topic in Sports Discussion
https://bc.game/sports/?bt-path=%2F%3FbtBookingCode%3DDDC791B https://bc.game/sports/?bt-path=%2F%3FbtBookingCode%3DDDC791B -
This reminds me that something i think is incredibly useful but not something typically sit down and make/think about is the equation to determine what your base bet shold be given your bank roll and the number of failed games you expect. I have it in a script somewhere as well but just for reference (Total Coint amount)/(payout^numberOfLossesToSurvive). this will give you the initial bet for how many reds in a row. Because for my it is always way smaller than i like to start with. Then if you are using the script that will bet a percentage, you can use the same equation and just make your total coin count 100 and that should give you the percentage to weather x number of losses.