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Everything posted by Skele

  1. So does that mean we should stop using the feedback tool on the website if we want rewards for the bugs we file? because i filed like 5 bugs on day 1 using the normal bug reporting methods.
  2. The easiest way would be ti out a .toString() after value. That field is set up do that you can specify a range like 2-5 and it will split the string "2-5" using the hyphen character and then use the 2 and the 5 as the range to pull a random number from. My guess as to what is happening to you is you either have a single number in there and the value ends up casting it to an integer. But there is no number.spmit since splitis a method on tge string object mot the number objec5 . Thenothwrbipyion since you aren't using this part anywY would be to remove the call to split.
  3. Do you mean for my base bet? The I normally used .5% I haven't used this script in a while though. Have played much crash in a while either until more recently
  4. yes but i dont see that error split is a function on string so did thi config vakue become a number?
  5. So this would be more a live either in a big group but it would be more fun as like the final of some challenge or something but get 2 or 3 poeple playing and like on the game show price is right, have them guess a payout for limbo. After everyone has guessed the host with the screen shared will do one round of limbo to see where it crashes the one closes to their number wins. This could be done in like groups of 3 with a winners round or in a elimination brackets style. I just think it would be harder and more fun to make them have to pick an actual payout ahead of time instead of just going for highest. And they all get the same result because it is the host that runs the round of limbo so its impossible for them to cheat. Unless they want to use price is right strategy and if someone says 100x they could go 99x and get all the numbers 1-99 ahead of the opponenet. @VlkyrieThis might be a good idea for some flash event or something too, because of the picking of the number i don't think it would work for daily though .
  6. don't be a moron i just told you i don't know why your banned, i said did you check with support because that would be the logical first step anyone should take. Second i listed common reason i have heard of them shutting peoples accounts down for. third i don't work for bc so why would you think i would be able to tell you why your account was banned with literally not information from your aside from the fact you seem to have a hard time reading everything that is written. Support is the proper place to take up this grievance though, not with a random player who is answering another players question on the forum. Are you perhaps under 18 because i can see that being a reason just judging from your responses to this situation. Also if you had laid low you probably could have started another account, you have only according the number under your name wagered 11k, so you could be back up to the same level in a day with depositing 50$. Again what causual player is going to go on the forum and attack players because they got themselves banned without first talking to support?
  7. well lets go down the list of possibilities. Do you have multiple accounts? Do you have 2FA on (so you don't get someone else in your account). Did you use any autograbber scripts? Did you bother to ask support their reason for locking you out of your account. Or did you just not secure it and somebody else got into it. I don't know the history here but i do not i have not heard of a single case of them locking someone out of their account without a legitimate reason. (and you are talking locked out as in seized assets and all right? Because if your just muted that isn't the same thing at all).
  8. of course there is, you said you messed with the code to change the increases (i don't know why these weren't exposed as inputs to begin with) so you know know where it is being set. So all you need to do is check there to see if the percentage is within your exceptable range, then figure out how you want to deal with that. if(chance > 1.2) { // you could then reset it to the max of your choosing chance = 1.2; // another option is to reset it back to the original starting value. change = config.startingChance.value; // or just stop the script and wait for someone to look to see why it stopped game.stop(); }
  9. https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10KVO3PX1IDJPV
  10. you would need my user scripts that i wrote that just injects the extra tab into the UI and builds it out. its just javascript and html and i reuse their styles for most things.
  11. i don't think this is necessary but in case it is
  12. yeah i can change all of the settings while my script is running. I am just automating the UI functions. I believe i answered the specifics of the high and low swap in another post but i call hdg.changeToggleWin(); Which isn't accessable from the sandboxed scripting environment.
  13. i have given you all of the code Add the two methods anywhere in there out side of the other methods replace the ">3" with "> maxLossesBeforeBet" then add this line maxLossesBeforeMinBet = GetLossesBeforeMinBet(); Everywhere you set your lossStreak back to 0; add the above line right afterwards.
  14. you should make this 3 a parameter, and even better if you make that parameter able to take a range and then you randomly pick from that range. like below, this way maxLossesBeforeMinBet = GetLossesBeforeMinBet(2-3); if(loseStreak >= maxLossesBeforeMinBet) .... function GetLossesBeforeMinBet() { if(config.lossesBeforeMinBet.value.toString().indexOf('-') >= 0) { var numbers = config.lossesBeforeMinBet.value.split('-'); return GetRandomInt(Number.parseInt(numbers[0]), Number.parseInt(numbers[1])); } else { return Number.parseInt(config.lossesBeforeMinBet.value); } } // Returns a random integer between the min and max. function GetRandomInt(min, max) { var retValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; log.info('Number of losses before pause is set to ' + retValue + ''); return retValue; }
  15. i don't know that hashdice gives you history the same way crash does so it may not be possible through using their scripting sandbox stuff. but really it shouldn't matter, on crash it had to be done this way because you didn't bet so didn't have the results from the bet. In hashdice you always have to bet so you should just be checking the result of that bet to see if you won or lost.
  16. i have but you can't do it with their sanboxed scripts.
  17. 20x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQVUB081AE4Z 30x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQW9TMT9IOLV 45x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQWESSWCPZ4J * (12$ big hit) 55x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQWGW3RJRTOZ * (12$ big hit) 60x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQX2644E5C0J 65x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQX55IWBP2XF 70x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQX7ERN2632R 90x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQX9KZH2NEAB 120x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQXD122OEVBN 200x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQXH0W5MFDAR 250x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQXJBHIBEVIR 300x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IS3ALKBPWRV7 400x 450x 550x 700x 825x 900x 1000x 1200x 1500x 2000x 2500x 3000x 4000x 5000x 20x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQVUB081AE4Z 30x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQW9TMT9IOLV 45x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQWESSWCPZ4J 55x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQWGW3RJRTOZ 60x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQX2644E5C0J 65x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQX55IWBP2XF 70x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQX7ERN2632R 90x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQX9KZH2NEAB 120x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQXD122OEVBN 200x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQXH0W5MFDAR 250x - https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IQXJBHIBEVIR https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10IS3ALKBPWRV7
  18. I have seen like high teens before. Thats why i started putting in the take a break clauses in my scripts so it will stop betting after so many losses and then wait for a win before trying again. It has helped me weather some pretty long red streaks without actually losing all my bankroll, because it ads up fast if you are doubling or tripling your bet.
  19. it sure hasn't and it most likely won't be every. I decided not to spread a lot of the client type stuff around. If i stop being lazy and actually finish packaging it as a browser extension which i can automatically update without having to force the user to update it then maybe i will release that to a limited set of people. Currently i have way too many different version in different locations, and i don't want to fix minor bugs in 6 different versions just beause i didn't wait and finish the browser extension. I have some other ideas for stuff to do with the extension and one of them is essentially extend the current sandbox style scripting to be available in a client script. I would essentially give two text areas a pregame/bet section, and a postgame/hand result section. Then i could pass in more information for people to use and documentation on what does what or contains which information for peopleto use while writing them. This is not goingto happen anytime soon though i have other projects ahead of it as well as my normal job..
  20. https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10HWYT607UUUXF https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10HX0X26J9FXUB
  21. 1. I would love tips to default to private, or at least have a way for players to change their own default settings for this one. I almost never want to send tips publicly and when i forget to change it i always end up with a ton of messages and friend invites from the beggers that plague this site, 2. I would love to see game specific chat rooms. For games like blackjack it would be nice if there was a blackjack specific as well as one just for your table, I think this would also help build the relationships between the players, i am much more likely to interact with someone i playing with and let them know well played or congradulate them on a hand etc... than i am to engage in most of the chat that goes on in like the english or global channel. 3. I would love to see more thought and some actual documentation for the scripting. Because there is no documentation it leads to a lot of people having to poke around on their own, granted this can be fun and does lead to things like switching from high to low, which i know a be done because i do it, just not in the sandboxed script. 4. I would love to see some organization and promotion of voice chatrooms like on telegram or discord (i know they are already there on discord. But currently BCs discord is like for silent people and beggers. It needs to be cleaned up so that people actually start using it without being herassed by the few persistent beggers on there. I try not to go there often but i can name at least 1 off the top of my head who begs from evertyone and has for months which i never see them get anything but damn its annoying., 5. I was reading other posts and was reminded of another thing i would like. I would like the ability to exchange valuable crypto for JB. Something reasonably fair like 100k per 1 bcd or something, But currently the only way to get JB is to win it. And for things like boosting rake back percentage or paying withdraw feels i like to use it but i run out often, and would definitely be willing to pay for it. If that isn't a possibility i would be happen if tyou made it tip able at least. That way i could at least make my own deals with other players who don't use theirs..
  22. wouldn't you just change the 99 to 990 or whatever you want the equation is 1/n *99 , so since it is starting at 1/1 that is what you would have for your starting bet, then it would go 1/2 1./3 1/4 etc... i am assuming. So following the same logical step with your equation ((1/chance)*200); with starting chance of 0.02 you get 50 x200 = 10000- and then i you added one it would step down but at some weird rate. either way just the 99 to what you want and leave chance at 1
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